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 " Hi, Meet Our Lovely Team of Readers & Professional Counsellor
Offering You Their Wonderful Diversity of Spiritual Gifts and Genuine Desire to Help Heal & Enlighten

Introducing Eileen; Spiritually Gifted Psychic Medium & Reader


Eileen Supports Her Clients with Her Unique Combination of Spirituality Gifts & Mediumship Abilities. Communicating Wonderful Insights that Filter Through at the Time of One's Reading. With Her Sensitivity and Compassion, We Can Be Reassured of Receiving a Lovely Personal Reading.  Eileen offers her loving gifts at "Live Public Platform Reading Events" held at various Spiritualist Churches throughout Brisbane's Northern Suburbs and has been reading for the past 8-years. Eileen is available for a private reading at the Spiritual Wellness Hub by personal appointment. 

Testimonial from Peter: "I fully enjoyed my reading with Eileen. It's amazing how accurate messages come from spirit - Eileen's sharing of information is clear and appropriate for my life situation - I recommend this wonderful medium to all. "


In Eileen's Own Words; I feel humbled and blessed, as it is an honour and privilege to use my gifts to read, as a connection to spirit. For being of service to others. I am a conduit for the love, light and healing for those who have passed over, and for those who come to see me for a reading. As I help support a beautiful healing through the messages I receive. Understanding Mediumship: Medium-ship readings are proof of loved ones that have passed. It provides confirmation of life after death. My readings are about connecting spirit with the ones who come to see me for a reading. If there may be anything left unhealed, spirit shall guide me to those moments in the person’s life, to be lovingly blessed and released.  I understand my self as a guiding post, as I support illuminating one's heart and mind so that they may continue on, helping illuminate the hearts and minds of others.


Although aware I have always been psychic from seeing souls that had passed since childhood. It was not until about 8 - years ago, that I began reading professionally. Includes being invited as a "guest-reader" for the public attending the spiritualist churches, within the northern suburbs of Brisbane. Please also understand every reading I offer can be different. Because it depends upon the needs of the client at the time. 


Alternative Option of a Non-Invasive, Gentle "Hands - On" Energy Healing Service as Additional Support for Clients Provided by Eileen, and by Appointment @ the Hub's Tranquil "Healing Room."

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Introducing Christopher
Spiritually Gifted Clairvoyant Reader and Talented Psychic Medium

"Chris explains

he has always been spiritually aware"

Over the Years However, Christopher Has Developed His Very Own Unique Reading Style. Which May Surprise One in a Pleasant Way. His Point of Difference, Enables Him to Communicate the Wonderful Spiritually Gifted Messages that Filter Through at the Time of Our Reading.

Christopher Works with His Divinational Tools, Using Various Oracle Cards. Yet in a Most Unique Way, as He Builds Upon the Reading, Layer by Layer. For Providing an In-depth Reading, that is Very Insightful and Uplifting. 

Christopher also has a vast background, from performing, "Live Platform Readings" at his local Spiritual Church for many years. He brings valuable experience with an approach that is rather humble and heart centred which is obvious upon first meeting him. Coupled with his delightful positive approach, as he shines a light on your beautiful soul and this lifetime journey. Tapping into the past and the present.

As You Sit with Christopher, his Mediumship Gifts  Come Through Supporting You with "Additional Message from a Loved One."

Spiritual Wellness Hub is excited to introduce Dyan Langdon;
Accredited Astrologist 
Tarot Readings
Qualified Professional Counsellor


Dyan Langdon
Psychic Astrologer, Tarot Reader & Professional Counsellor

Offering clients her combined qualities in the following areas

  • Astrological Reading in which you receive a printed copy of your Natal Chart.  As well as receiving the wonderful benefits of your personalised Astrological insights, and expert knowledge in relation to your Astrological chart's guidance.

  • Or Enjoy a Spiritually Gifted Tarot Reading.

Dyan's journey into the mystical and healing arts, began in her early twenties with a deck of Tarot cards. What started as curiosity quickly blossomed into a deep-seated passion, as she found herself drawn to the intricate correspondences between the Tarot and Astrology.

Dyan's Own Words: this fascination led me to pursue formal studies in Astrology, culminating in earning a practitioner's diploma from the Federation of Australian Astrologers in 2020. Prior to this, I had already laid a foundation in the helping professions by completing my Diploma of Counselling. In 2021, my commitment to excellence and professional growth was recognised when I became accredited with the Association of Professional Astrologers.


As a psychic astrologer (using claircognisance which is “clear knowing”), I possess a unique ability to discern crucial insights from astrological charts—revealing key elements that are vital for my clients at the time of our consultation. Whether it's uncovering impactful remnants from the past, or illuminating aspects of the present or future, each chart guides me to deliver profound messages that resonate deeply with those I serve. My intuitive connection ensures that every session is tailored to unveil truths that support and guide my clients on their personal journeys. My passion for astrology is matched by my dedication to the Tarot. I continue to offer spiritually enriching and insightful Tarot readings, addressing the specific challenges and questions my clients face.


By integrating an individual's Tarot Birth Cards with their Astrological Natal Chart and current transits, I offer timely advice and insights that are precisely needed at the moment. Parallel to my astrological practice, I am a professional counsellor with a heartfelt commitment to supporting individuals through life's challenges.


Whether through the celestial guidance of Astrology, the reflective insights of Tarot readings, or the compassionate understanding of counselling, I am dedicated to empowering my clients to navigate life's journeys with confidence and clarity.

Dyan's Website - Soul Tracing


Karen Riley; Spiritually Gifted Reader Communicating Profound, In-Depth Insights of Enlightenment. As a Numerologist - Clairvoyant who Channels Aided by Divine Assistance.

Professional Background of 26 Years;

  • Brisbane Mind, Body & Soul Expos / Public Readings

  • Live Seminars & Platform Readings throughout Australia and Local to Brisbane @ Spiritualist Churches.

  • B105 Brisbane Radio for a Live Interview After Selecting the Winner's Name Before the Public Voted the Winner / In Bed with Madonna Competition

  • Wrote a Column on Numerology for the White Light Spiritual Magazine (3 years)

  • Professional Life Coach Business, Reading for their Clients; 6 Years

  • Numerology Workshops

  • Created Spiritual Wellness Hub for Like-Minded Practitioners Who Desire to Help Others. 

  • You-Tube Channel: Soul Numerology Karen Riley

Karen is Well Known and Respected as a Reader of Integrity Who Has Us Feeling At Ease, from the Moment We Meet Her. What Sets Karen Apart as a Reader, is Due to Her Spirituality Gifts, Combined with Her Remarkable Knowledge of Our Soul's Divine Life Blueprint. Enabling Her to Understand Past - Present - Pathway Ahead as She Picks Up on the Vibrational Threads of Our Life. And For Any Age We Seek the Higher Message or Life's Clarity of. Which Then Benefits Us in Our Present Day Situation or Circumstances When Experiencing Challenges or Uncertainty of Our Direction. 


Karen Communicates Wonderful "Soul-Life" Personalised Insights, Benefiting Our Best Interests or Important Choices, in the Knowledge of a Defining Pathway, That Resonates More in Harmony with Our Soul's Truth, Happiness and Desired Flow of Ease. 

Karen is Available by Appointment Online, Phone, or In-Person

​We may not fully be aware of the desire of Divine Source, together with our Guardian Angels and Spiritual guides, who continuously help us in life, as they seek to help us grow, transform and evolve into the beautiful creation of our soul's truest potential self and for our greater happiness.

Which is Karen's heart-centred soul purpose for assisting anyone who sees her. 

With your reading, you can also receive "oracle cards messages" combined with the wonderful communications from Karen. As she attunes from within supported by her "higher consciousness" and connective link with divine assistance, benefiting our reading. Karen has a way of resonating with our beautiful soul's inner core energies, of that which uplifts and inspires us.   

Karen Supports Us In the Following Areas;

  • career guidance  

  • our soul's innate born gifts

  • relationship insights

  • life purpose / destined pathway

  • clarity on our birth-family "foundation growth"

  • challenges / solutions / options

  • empowering insights benefiting a healing

  • the possibilities for creating a brighter future

  • supports our soul's clarity of direction

  • higher understanding of past, present & ahead

  • why your soul chose to be here

  • what this life offers you from your soul's perspective

  • emotional & spiritual growth taking place


Soul - Life 90 Min Readings: Covers the above in one sitting.
Online via Zoom or In-Person by Appointment.

Ross O'Reilly - Sunshine Coast : Business Reading

Karen blew me away with the accuracy of my reading. She was spot on with my life path and purpose, my personality and gave me perfect insights into what challenges lay ahead for me and how to handle them. She inspired me to use my gifts for the greater good and gave me a real sense of gratitude about this journey, I am blessed to have been given the opportunity to travel. I highly recommend Karen, she has amazing talent in this field of Numerology.

Disclaimer: Please bear in mind, our clairvoyant spiritual readings are not to be substituted for medical, legal, financial, or professional services. That it is solely the responsibility and free will of anyone person choosing the SWH services of our practitioners.

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