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Wellness Wednesdays

Ladies Sacred Guided Meditations


10:30 am: settle in
10:45 am: enjoy a therapeutic guided meditation
11:15 am - midday: B.Y.O. shared lunch & social interaction

Join us for a wonderful, relaxing Wednesday morning sharing together with other ladies of like-mindedness. Our mornings are becoming popular so please contact Karen to advise attending. Limited seating.   $10 Donation Fee is Kindly Appreciated

What our ladies have said; "thank you for the meditation, it was absolutely wonderful! I thoroughly enjoyed your meditation."  

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We look forward to sharing this tranquil and sacred space together with yourself. Relax and unwind, and enjoy the profound benefits of meditation in a respectful haven. Whereby you shall depart feeling lighter, whilst the on-going process of meditation continues even after you leave. Supporting your soul's higher self, and physical being, with divine loving support. Aiding with supporting the raising of our consciousness, and our body's overall wellbeing and energy flow. Meditation is a gift of self-love, that we can give to ourselves. 


There are Many Purposes for Meditation and by Which Some Are Explained Below;

calms our nervous system

* lowers our blood pressure

* raises our consciousness

* opens our third vision

* increases our internal, intuitive guidance system

* our own solutions, answers or clarity filters through more readily

* helps reduce or alleviate mental anxiety and stress


From our soul's spiritual perspective, prior to entering into a deeper relaxation - mental relaxing state, via our inner meditational pathway, we can also ask our soul to be shown, "truth" to any question we seek clarity of. Especially regarding any area of our own personal life. Often, and just before we are shown "our truth" or answer to our question, we shall see colours or a specific colour. Slowly moving in front of our mind's eye, like a soft veil of light and seen visually. This is normal and we are to can trust in the knowledge, that this is the phase just prior to being shown visually that which supports our soul's wellbeing. As to that which we put forth and sought clarity about.

It is fine if nothing happens at first. Therefore please do not become despondent or give up on the pathway with meditation. Our experiences can be different for everyone. Whilst we may think or believe, nothing is happening, it is from an inner level of our whole mind and being. For once we embrace the pathway with meditation, we have essentially "knocked on heaven's door, from within."

Meditation, as with prayer are the only pathways to Divine Source and our soul's truths. You may be surprised at the subtle changes taking place within your body and mind as your soul's higher self, filters through more readily, the solutions, the answers, or clarity of thought to support that which you seek. For all that you seek is within you. All your answers are within.

Dreams are a natural occurrence, aided by your soul's higher consciousness which is your connective threads, and link to Divine God-Source, your guardian angels and own soul's higher truths. These dreams are very different to our ego-states of worldly mind of lower vibrations of consciousness. And are only of love, being protective, supportive and profoundly enlightening.

From our physical bodies perspective, we already know the benefits of exercise. Yet we may not realise the profound benefits from exercising our mind, through the fine art of relaxing our busy, active worldly mind of thought processes. To train our minds to relax this way, is highly beneficial for our whole body. Meditation is positive and self-loving. Aids us in re-wiring the neurological pathways within our brain, through the generative positivity of thoughts as love.


You could view a negative thought form as very real energy, that is similar to the weight of a brick. Whereas a positive thought form, as very real energy, would be similar to the weight of a small feather, being lighter. Meditation helps us build a strong calm mind of love and light, from within.  As well as contributing to a healing for our physical body. This is because our mind and body are already inter-connected, as one.

We can always ask our soul to show us truth or to guide us to our truth that we may be searching for or seeking answers to. Then, observe how the Divine Universal Powers of the God-Source, Higher Energies hear our request to deliver us with the opportunity, as our message presents itself in some way or another. We have perhaps forgotten that "our mind is our one true tool and gift of communications", and that we are all learning to use our mind wisely. "This is because what we think, so shall it be"

To experience the pure love and joy, from within us, is what meditation can achieve. Including our own soul's spiritual enlightening insights, that our meditations reveal.  We only need to learn to quieten our busy mind, to slow down these vibrations. To slow down our busy active, ego - worldly mind of our thought processing. This is where our patience is required, and repeated effort on our part benefits us. Then, through meditation can we, open the doorway from within, and also receive any truth to any question we put forth. We can realise once again, who we really are and remember once again, our sacred unison or relationship with Divine God-Source.

Meditation and Healing * When it comes to something, rather serious by way of illness or dis-ease within our physical bodies - we can ask our soul to help us. We can ask Divine Source, with the Holy Spirit, to help our physical mind and body's healing processes. For this is everyone's divine right.  We can experience our own guided meditations in this respect. We can use meditation as a practice, together with medical professional abilities and support, as well as with alternative, natural healing modalities.

Personal Shared Message; Having received a diagnosis of cancer, I embraced a more serious pathway with meditation and prayer. Although I was already on a spiritual pathway and had already experienced beautiful meditation experiences, this news turned me inwardly even more so than before. Which was to lead me eventually, to a whole new level of meditation. In confronting a pathway of self-love, as a healing pathway for my physical body, mind and soul (for all 3 levels), of my whole being. To learn, how forgiveness was crucial as an integral aspect of my healing, for this lifetime journey and higher growth.

These comments are based on Karen's personal experiences and spiritual knowledge having evolved during the course of the past 26 years.

To Attend, Please Phone or Text Karen: 0400 531 475

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